Quick Start Guide

5 steps to get started with the PRONTI outfit maker

Pronti is gender inclusive!

Pronti is an outfit maker and smart wardrobe assistant for women, men and gender neutral. It gives you personalized suggestions on what to wear and what to shop based on your closet, the occasion you are dressing for, and your mood.

Pronti has a free tier where you can earn stars and expand your usage or join Premium to unlock your full potential.

Click the title or the + below to explore more details.

  • 1. Download the app & create an account

    The App is available on iOS & Android.

    In order to start using the Pronti app, you will need to create an account.

    Pronti starts learning and personalizing right after account creation is completed. At anytime in the future you can edit or delete your account and data from the My Account Screen in the app.

    To Create an Account:

    1. Open the Pronti app and choose a method to login such as email, Google or Apple.
    2. Go through the short onboarding questions and choose the gender you normally dress as. Pronti is great for Women, Men and Gender Neutral!
    Sign into Pronti
  • 2. View Outfits

    Go to the go to the magnifying glass (home) screen on the navigation bar to get outfits.

    There are two types of outfits that are generated:

    1. Explore - these are outfits that contain shopping items and your closet items together.

    2. Just Mine - these are outfits only with your closet items. No shopping here! If Just Mine is greyed out, it is because you need to add more items to your closet.

    Use the button or filter to navigate between Explore (Shopping) and Just Mine (Getting ready).

    Upload your clothes on Pronti

    PRONTI creates outfits from the items in your closet along with new items you can purchase. We believe in shopping consciously and leveraging the things you already own.

    These shopping recommendations are based on what it knows about your style. The more you interact and upload items the better Pronti will be at providing you great recommendations.

  • 3. Upload your clothes to your virtual closet.

    Even just adding 1 item will allow Pronti to start using it in the outfits. In order to unlock the Just mine button you need to upload enough items to make outfits.

    1. Go to the closet by using the bottom Navigation bar and clicking on the hanger

    2. Click the + button at the top

    Upload your clothes on Pronti

    You can choose between:

    1. Take a picture: Use your phone's camera to take a picture of your clothing.
    2. Use your Gallery: Upload photos of your clothing items from your phone gallery. Pronti can tell if you have already removed the background (Photoshop, your phone's background removal or an online tool) or if it needs to remove the background.
    3. Find an Online Image: Upload clothing photos from any image on the web. Search by item description and brand
    4. Sample Closet: This has some basic items like tshirts and jeans. You can turn this closet off and on and delete individual items.
    5. Quick Add Premium methods
      • Email: Coming soon! Connect your email to find all your ecommerce purchases. Pronti uses the photo from these emails to add them.
      • Selfie & Social: Coming soon!

    Upload your clothes on Pronti
    hint: start with your favourite items or one occasion/style
  • 4. Organize your items to occasions (eg Casual, School, Office).

    Adding occasions and organizing your clothes into occasions is the best and fastest way for Pronti to understand your style and give you better outfits. Our favourite method is the "Edit one or more of your items" (pencil and card button) on the closet screen.

    Occasions can be events, styles or anything you want them to be (you can make custom ones).

    When you want an outfit for that occasion, go to the magnifying glass (home) screen, select the filter button on the top right, choose plan an outfit and select the occasion.

    Upload your clothes on Pronti
    Upload your clothes on Pronti
  • 5. Become a pro

    We've created a whole tutorial section for you to learn and become the confident fashionable self you imagine. You will find loads of features like editing an outfit or making your own.